Last Saturday night I went to my 20 year high school reunion. 1993 doesn't seem that long ago, but I guess it was.
I think we all felt like it was a little strange that it has been 20 years. I mean, we talked about things that happened in high school like they happened last week. Since we now have Facebook, we know where everyone lives, what they do, and what their kids dressed up like for Halloween. So, not a lot of time was spent on the "what are you doing now?" conversation.
I graduated with about 300 people, but maybe 100 came to the reunion. I wish more people had attended, but was so glad to see the ones that did come.
Hendersonville was a great place to grow up. It is a beautiful suburb of Nashville that is set on a lake. We had fantastic public schools and we were all expected to graduate, go to college, and do something with our lives. In the summers we hung out on the lake or at the various swim and tennis clubs. Hendersonville felt like a small town in that you could cruise around on a Friday night and always see someone you knew, but we had Nashville at our fingertips as well. I guess a lot of towns were like this, but Hendersonville was ours.
The people I grew up with are amazing, hilarious, smart, beautiful people. We grew up together, made mistakes together, celebrated each other, and took care of each other. Hendersonville still feels like home. Seeing those people felt like coming home.
I love my college friends. I really do. But there is nothing like the people who have known you since you were in the 2nd grade.
I really wish that I could see these people more than a few hours every 10 years. It is simply not enough to have any kind of quality conversation. It was so nice to be transported back to my high school self for a moment in time. I am going to have to try to figure out a way to plan a 25 year reunion. I love my 38 year old mom self. I have a blast with my boys and I would not trade these days for anything, but 16 year old Ginger was a fun girl too.