Wednesday, April 22, 2009

5 Things I Love Right Now

1. Fresh strawberries- I can't get enough. However, they are still not as good as the ones I used to pick and eat with my Grandmama straight out of her garden. Nothing will ever be that good.

2. 'Lil Drums- miniature Drumstick ice cream cones. I can eat one and not feel as bad about myself!

3. Watching Will and his team play little league baseball. Nothing, I mean nothing, is as cute as my little Willabug in his baseball uniform. I love everything about it. The ballfields, the other parents, the concession stand, everything!

4. Ryan actually using the potty successfully! (However, reluctantly) Big boy underwear and everything! This is good, because I was getting really tired of buying diapers. Going on 6 straight years, and they ain't cheap, either!

5. The fact that it stays light later. My boys are currently riding their bikes in the driveway, after dinner, waiting for daddy.

1 comment:

Holly Aytes said...

I can totally understand the strawberries...I love that fruit and while it is good it doesn't compare to freshly picked ones. William is definitely a cutie in his uniform :) And we too are enjoying the longer stretches of sunlight :)