Monday, October 14, 2024

Letter to the Editor

My two sons are 9th generation Tennesseans. Both sets of my grandparents owned working farms in rural Tennessee areas- proud Robertson county and Weakley county people. My husband’s family traces their roots back to Cannon county farms.

 Every single member of my family that went to college has a degree from the University of Tennessee (except me.) We are die-hard supporters of the original land grant university founded in 1794. My boys are both now enrolled in as students at UT Knoxville. My husband has two degrees from UT. We fly the Tri-Star flag from our front porch. We are passionate and proud Tennesseans.

I was raised in the Church of Christ denomination.  Growing up in my church was truly a wonderful experience. I was surrounded by loving people who loved Jesus and loved me. I have no church trauma like so many youth group kids from the 90s. I went on to Lipscomb University, a small private Christian school.  Again, it was a wonderful experience where I met all of my best friends who I talk to daily. I consider my faith strong and unwavering. After 49 years of life on this imperfect planet I still don’t feel the need to “deconstruct” my faith. I am secure in my relationship with Christ and know his love for me and others.

I would consider myself a Republican. I would consider myself a moderate conservative. (Now probably left leaning conservative.) I have voted straight Republican until Trump.

Something has changed. I look around and do not recognize anything in political culture. I am not giving Trump all the credit for this because a. he does not deserve it and b. his opponents have not been stellar candidates either.

We were driving through rural Georgia this past week because a massive traffic jam on the interstate re-routed us. One little country house and trailer after the next on winding roads surrounded by big Georgia pine trees. The most striking sight was the amount of Trump political flags. Not just one flag, but huge banners mounted on the side of houses and fences. Fine, I get it, you love Trump. But mixed in with these were huge American flags with the face of Jesus Christ superimposed on top. Stop and think about this for just a minute. Despite political leanings let’s think about the facts. A. Jesus Christ of Nazareth was not in any way American. Nazareth is a real city located in the country of Israel and Jesus was a real person. B. Jesus does not or has never existed to represent the country of the United States. Putting his face on top of an American flag is blasphemous. But, “we are a Christian nation,” you argue. Okay, if you want to debate separation of church and state I can go rounds with you all day.  But, do you deep in your heart believe Jesus would want his face on top of an American flag, really? What about all the Christians he died on the cross for in Mexico? Israel? China? You really want to go there? Jesus came for all mankind. The Gospel is for EVERYONE.

Read Jesus’ words in Mark, John, Romans.

The United States of America exists and was founded by our Founding Fathers for one reason: freedom.  It’s literally the first amendment. You can look it up. You can be an American and not be a Christian, which is your right. But as a public school teacher you don’t have the right to teach my child from the Koran if you are a Muslim. Thank goodness because I want my child to know the Bible. That is my religious freedom.

So, please kindly keep my Lord and Savior off of your American flag. And while you’re at it, keep my Lord’s name out of your mouth if you don’t care about 4th graders being murdered at school and call yourself a Tennessee politician.  This moderate conservative Republican will no longer be voting republican in my local elections. (Looking at you Gino Bulso.)  Just like that I have become a single issue voter. I firmly believe children have the right to attend school without being murdered and the adults in charge should at least take meetings with grieving parents. I attended your town hall meetings and heard in person with my own two ears that you are more concerned with filing lawsuits against the school system regarding books than with fighting for gun safety. That is really all I need to know. I will go down fighting for my children, your children, and future grandchildren.


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