Friday, October 2, 2009

Pumpkin Predicament

Will was Child of the Week at school this week. So, today I took these pumpkin cookies to his class for snack time. I have an entire set of Fall cookie cutters. I thought these pumpkins turned out cute and were pretty easy. The ghosts were cute too, but I didn't get a good picture of them. My camera batteries decided to poop out on me so I didn't get any pictures at school today, either.

I know I have mentioned this before, bit I really, really love pumpkin everything. I was going to make more pumpkin muffins this week because the boys love them so much. Well, 4 grocery stores later and I now know there is a shortage of canned pumpkin because of a freeze last year that ruined the pumpkin crop. WHAT?? Seriously, how am supposed to make all my yummy pumpkin muffins and breads? Out of town friends, are you experiencing this same predicament as well? Or is this a middle Tennessee issue only? If things get desperate, I might need someone to ship me some canned pumpkin.

On delightful pumpkin note, I had the Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks this past week. My disgust at spending $4.78 on a grande disappeared with the first sip. It was heavenly. It was even worth being awake until 11:30 that night because I forgot to say "decaf" when I ordered it at 7:30 at night on my way to a meeting at church. I might go get another one in the morning!


Holly Aytes said...

I am not sure if there is a canned pumpkin shortage here in Knoxville. I have to go to the grocery today and will check. I would be happy to ship some to you. Or if we are down that way this month (which we may be) I could bring some to you :) My kids love pumpkin bread, muffins etc but I normally buy stuff not make it homemade though I really should. Love your pumpkin cookies...they are so cute! How is the room mother thing going?

Ginger said...

This morning Kroger had 2 cans left, so I bought them both! But, my friend Jennifer said they had tons at the Super Wal-Mart. Of course!!

April said...

Adorable cookies! I loved your story about the Starbucks drink and being up late at night because of the caffiene! :)