Saturday, February 5, 2011

Pinewood Derby

After being sick all week, we were so glad Will was well enough to go to his Pinewood Derby. It has already been rescheduled once due to snow.  The boys had so much fun and it was nice to be able to celebrate all the hard work they had put into their cars.

 The track was quite elaborate. Apparently, the same older man has been in charge of running the track for many years. He has it down to a science and is quite serious about his job.

 Will's car is the red one in the middle.

Will and his buddy Owen. Owen's car ended up winning for their Den.

All the cars lined up for display.

Will's car is the red one in the lead. His car won the first round, but did not win the second round. You can see the front end kept popping up. It was fast, but needed more weight in the front. We were proud, but Will kept saying: "next year I want to get a trophy."

1 comment:

Holly Aytes said...

Looks like fun! Glad Will was feeling good enough to participate.