Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day to the 3 best Dads in the world:

My Dad, aka "BB," flier of airplanes and player of golf

John, aka "John," builder of birdhouses and canoes

JW, aka "daddy," giver of baths, reader of stories, player of freeze tag, teacher of "the force," watcher of Charlie Brown and Star Wars (over and over,) maker of pancakes, participant of the slip n' slide, doer of everything.

We Love You All !!


Erin said...

Wow! What a great family you have! Looks like Father's Day has been great! Your kids are soo cute! I love the graphics you use too! Have a super great day!

April said...

JW let you post his picture!?! :) All 3 pics are very good. Sweet post, Ginger!