Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring Break Excursions

Ryan at the zoo- doesn't he look like a big boy?
Ryan riding his "el-fant" on the merry-go-round
Will was determined to ride the Cheetah- I rode the ostrich!
Steering the wheel at the aquarium

Our past two days have been busy but fun as we hit the zoo then the aquarium. I am pretty sure everyone in a 5 state radius had the same idea as we did about going to the aquarium today since it was raining. It was crowded, but the boys had fun anyway.

1 comment:

April said...

Wow! You have been busy. Sounds like fun, too! I love the picture of you on the ostrich. :) As the boys get older, they will love knowing that you do things with them and are not just on the sidelines.