Monday, November 17, 2008

Raking Leaves

We have an abundance of trees in our yard, which means lots of leaves. The boys have had tons of fun in the leaves this Fall. Here are a few pictures I snapped the other afternoon.

Yes, they have on matching turkey t-shirts
Will really enjoys raking. He does not get this from me.

Look at this face. He looks like such a big boy. It makes me sad, but I could still eat him up!

This would have been a really cute picture if I hadn't cut off the top of Ryan's head. Oh well, I had to throw it in here because it makes me laugh. The boots are classic Ryan.


Holly Aytes said...

Oh Ginger, I miss those cute little boys! Where did you find those shirts? I gotta have those for Thanksgiving day! Our kids too have enjoyed the abundance of leaves in our front yard. The yard guy hasn't been able to come for one last mow and to rake up the leaves b/c it is too wet so the kids have been able to enjoy them a little longer :) I think he will be by this week so the leaves will be going away.

April said...

I love their turkey shirts! And, oh how I wish our kids had some piles of leaves to play it! Our poor yard has only 2 trees, both of which are very small. The kids would have so much fun playing in leaves! I supposed I don't miss raking them, though. ;)

Cute pics!

Sara said...

Love the Coldplay on your blog! Viva la Vita rocks!

Your boys look like they are really enjoying the fall leaves. One of my favorite family memories was raking leaves and jumping in the leaf piles. Too bad that my yard has exactly 1 tree and it's a dinky one at that! A yard with trees means a lot of work in the fall, but it's worth it.