Thursday, October 16, 2008

Breaking Dawn

All good things come to an end, I guess. I read this book slowly, savoring every word, because I did not want it to end. What to do now? No book will ever, ever meet the high standard I now have for reading. Stephenie Meyer has just set the bar too high. Everyone I have convinced to start reading Twilight, comes back to me saying "this is not a book, this is an addiction!" I know, I know! Breaking Dawn was the best one of the 4, so keep reading. It is so worth it. Now, time to focus on the movie coming out on November 21st. And hope that Stephenie Meyer will start writing again very soon.


Cindy said...

Okay, when I saw the title of your entry on my blog list, I thought it said Breaking DOWN...and I was all ready to hear that your car broke down...or things were falling apart all around you! I'm so glad I was wrong!!! LOL!

Glad you're enjoying the books. I'm just now getting around to reading The Shack, so I doubt I'll tackle the Twilight books any time soon. ;)

Sara said...

I am waiting for the library to call me to say I am next to read the first book of the Twilight series. And being that the library is quite small, it could be awhile. I do look forward to reading these books after you have raved on them so much.