Saturday, September 27, 2008


621 pages later, I have finished Eclipse. This one was by far the strangest of all 3 that I have read. Not that there is anything normal about being in love with a vampire........but, moving right along.
Only 1 more book to go in the Twilight Series, Breaking Dawn. I am sad that the series will be over, but I am so excited to see what happens with Bella and Edward. At least then I will have the movie to look forward to in November!

1 comment:

Holly Aytes said...

I haven't starting reading that series yet....I have about 5 books from the library checked out right now and am trying to get through them. I had been on the waiting list for awhile for them so want to get them read so I don't have to wait again. I think I will give the Twilight series a go since everyone that has read them says they are good.

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